Why are we here, What are we striving for?

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Why do you live? What happens to you after this life? We challenge you to think about your life and your future!

Discover how incredibly complex the world is. Science has discovered many factors that all are necessary for life on a planet.  Find out why spontaneous start of life seems impossible! So how can it be that there is a unique earth full of complex life in an immense space? It makes you think if there might be a design behind all of this. For a design, you also need a designer.

If you think about it, you may conclude that there is a designer: His familiar name is God. He created the universe, earth and everything on it. But not as an automated mechanism which runs on natural laws. God went beyond that and even created humans that can make their own choices.

This freedom, however, creates a huge problem: you can choose to be in the plan of the Creator, or live just for yourself. Every human is self-centered, tending to make wrong choices, and behaving against the -good intended- rules of God (we call them ”sins”). These sins will finally result in a condemnation or judgement at the end of your life: an eternal future without God and no entrance to Heaven.

However, such a future is not God’s wish for you. God loves you and He wants a relationship with you: now in this life and after death as well. That’s why God Himself has provided a solution.

God sent His messengers  and Jesus Christ the mighty prophet to the earth to show tway of salvation for humans and achieve real happiness in this life on this Earth and hereafter life after death.

These are the facts in short. God’s requirement for a relationship with Him is that you will believe and obey His guidance and  will  God forgive your mistakes and disobedience. He will adopt you as His child, and because of belief in  God guarantees you eternal life with Him in heaven after you die.

Often people simply choose to ignore God. Others believe there is “something”, but do not bother to find out what. Or they just believe what science presents to them about life. Only by faith in God is it possible to have a beautiful relationship with God. Now, and after this life.

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